Giving back this holiday season

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blog charity 06b 1024x682 Giving back this holiday season

Here at Reflex, we try to give back to our community and to those in need throughout the year, most especially during the holiday season. This Christmas, we’re proud to support a number of local charities and organizations, both as Reflex the company and on behalf of our individual employees. Reflex is proud to support the following organizations:

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Image courtesy of the Edmonton Singing Christmas Tree

The Edmonton Singing Christmas Tree and John Cameron Entertainment

The Edmonton Singing Christmas Tree features a stage adorned with thousands of glimmering lights, filled with a choir of 150 talented singers, all accompanied by a live orchestra in the Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium. All net proceeds go through the Edmonton Singing Christmas Tree Foundation to help local charities, organizations and children in need.


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Image courtesy of Santa YEG

Santa YEG

Santa YEG is collecting warm clothing for Edmontonians in need and, in partnership with Original Joe’s and State & Main restaurants, are delivering them to the community along with a hot, nourishing meal.






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Image courtesy of YESS

YESS: Youth Empowerment and Support Services

YESS is a relentlessly dedicated charitable organization that shapes the future of Edmonton by supporting youth facing difficult realities.




Reflex’s employees are also supporting the following organizations this Christmas season: The Christmas Bureau, Adopt-A-Teen Edmonton, The Edmonton Humane Society, the Stollery Children’s Hospital, Make-A-Wish® Canada, the Children’s Joy Foundation Canada, and the Edmonton Hope Mission.

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