5 ways ERP software can help your business

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For many, ERP systems can seem like a complicated approach to business software. The true purpose of ERPs, though, is to simplify the complexities of business information, making organizations more productive and cost efficient. The key to success is to select software that minimizes disruption throughout the entire business, making sure that everything runs as smoothly as a well-oiled machine.

Today’s new modern ERP software systems help businesses become leaner, more efficient, and more agile by connecting everything via one single source for all business information. With the right ERP solution, you can manage all business functions in one application, from accounting and human resources to customer relationship management, project management, manufacturing and distribution processes, supply chain management, field services, centralized and decentralized processing, and more.

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The key is to find the best ERP solution for your business—one that offers state-of-the-art features and that has a high implementation success rate. According to the Panorama Consulting 2016 ERP Report, 43% of respondents were neutral about the success of their ERP implementation or considered it a failure. Additionally, 26% of respondents would select a different solution if they were required to start over and 57% of projects exceeded their budget.

While overall satisfaction has increased marginally, almost half of respondents weren’t satisfied with their ERP selection, which is likely a result of selecting the wrong solution or choosing a vendor that doesn’t remain within the budget or estimated implementation timeline. This is why selecting an ERP system that offers modern features from a company with a history of successful implementations are crucial points when considering a new enterprise package.

There are many ways the right ERP software can help a business, but the five main benefits include:


1. One system, rather than many.

AAEAAQAAAAAAAAeFAAAAJDc0ZGY1ZGRmLTBhZDYtNGYxYS1iNmJlLWU3YjIyODllMWRkMw 5 ways ERP software can help your businessTrying to coordinate business information using an assortment of software packages can be a tedious task. It can also be a significant disruption to business processes meant to keep things efficient and accurate. For this reason, such applications are sometimes referred to as “islands of automation” or “information silos.” This lack of communication leads to inefficiencies, wherein identical data is stored in multiple locations or straightforward processes are unable to be automated.

A modern, fully integrated ERP system such as Reflex eliminates the issues caused by multiple disparate systems, acting as a trusted single source for all business information and keeping everything organized, accessible, and reliable.


2. Information is always ready and accessible.

Many older software systems and disparate applications need to sync (or update a data warehouse for reporting purposes) to refresh information, which can lead to delays throughout the company as well as opening up the potential for data integrity concerns. For many organizations, access to immediate business data is crucial to keeping everything moving with a steady momentum. With the next generation Reflex ERP, real-time updates mean that staff in every department can access relevant, up-to-date information whenever it’s needed—whether in the office or remotely in the field. This keeps everything running smoothly, with no time wasted waiting for data to update.


3. Simplifying complex processes.

AAEAAQAAAAAAAAhWAAAAJGJmOGExYmJlLTIzYTYtNGE2ZC1hMDI4LWFkMjRlOGYzYzhlMA 5 ways ERP software can help your businessManaging IT systems for a large company can be daunting, which is why an ERP package helps simplify things so that IT departments can focus more on the issues that matter. Rather than spending time trying to connect disparate systems, customizing extensions to the software, or troubleshooting bugs in individual software applications, Reflex ERP software offers an agile approach to business management with a one-stop system that can adapt to the changing needs of the organization.


4. Empowering employees.

Working with software that slows down processes can be detrimental to employee productivity. ERP software ensures that the right tools and information are readily and securely accessible to employees at any time, speeding up decision-making and giving employees the ability to do their jobs to the best of their potential.


5. Supporting growth and expansion.

As businesses become more successful, demands on software will increase. By minimizing disruption and streamlining processes, ERP software is best suited to meet the needs of a growing organization. A flexible and scalable solution such as Reflex offers not only an efficient way to manage business information, but also delivers peace of mind that the software will continue to support the business as it grows and changes.

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Companies that select a modern ERP solution like Reflex ERP—one that combines basic ERP functionality with state-of-the-art features such as mobile access, built-in analytics and reporting, and a paperless document manager—open themselves to a greater connection with the ‘core’ of the business. By spending less time on administration and coordination, companies can make use of the benefits of Reflex ERP software to truly understand how each business process and action affects their bottom-line.

Learn more about the next generation Reflex ERP and how it can help revolutionize your business management here.

*This article was originally posted by Ken Ingram on LinkedIn Pulse.

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