Document Management
Reflex has a fully integrated Document Management system that can be combined with Microsoft SharePoint as required and allows for full electronic storage and retrieval of all external, internal and electronically saved documents.
The system can run as a stand alone or be combined with other data management tools, allowing for full electronic storage and retrieval of all external, internal, and electronically saved files, such as documents, spreadsheets, images, and more.
Any document generated by the Reflex System can be stored in the electronic data repository for future recall. Some Reflex clients have embraced LEAN Enterprise standards and, thanks to the software's document manager, have achieved a 99% paperless environment.

Document Management Features
Document Management provides built-in, fully integrated capabilities for managing electronic document and image files including metadata, indexing, storage, retrieval, distribution, security, workflow, collaboration, versioning, searching, publishing, and reproduction. Documents can be stored within the Reflex database, or within an enterprise SharePoint repository.
Modules and features:
- SharePoint Integration
- Reflex Embedded Document Manager (all modules)